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Fuzhou Youkang Ship Accessory Co.,Ltd

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marine steel single weathertight door
marine steel single weathertight door
Specification: 6042-1980
Detail: Used for the doorway of superstructure above freeboard deck or deck house to meet 6042-1980.There is A B C D,four clsaa of door and used for station.8 type and standard door.

steel size hatch cover
steel size hatch cover
Specification: CB/T 3728-95
Detail: Type of the product is CB/T 3728-95.Instead of CB*284-76,CB*3069-79,CB*3081-80,CB*3222-84,CB*3223-84,CBM2063-82,CBM2010-81.Six types.

a-type hatch cover
a-type hatch cover
Specification: 0
Detail: A-type hatch cover is used for ships,there are 3 types,there is a B-type hatch cover.excellent quality and reasonable price.

b-type hatch cover
b-type hatch cover
Specification: B-type
Detail: tyoe hatch cover,about 3 types.Different type and cover.Excellent quality and reasonable.There is also A-tyoe.

single fire protection door
single fire protection door
Specification: CB*3234-84,A B C,
Detail: ype is CB*3234-84,A B C,3 suit the bulkheada.There are A B C rank;left and right.Excellent quality and reasonable price.

watertight door hand assembly
watertight door hand assembly
Specification: 000
Detail: The Watertight Door Hand Assembly is used for Watertight Door,to open or to close,to make Watertight Door more tight.

stern light cxh4-1d
stern light cxh4-1d
Specification: Cxh4-1d
Detail: Stern Light CXH4-1D is used in ships.About 3 colours,white,red and blue.Withe excellent quality and reasonable price.

Specification: 400*200*100
Detail: Zinc is used for protecting the steel plate from rusting.It also called Sacrificial Anode.Chemical Composition-Al is 0.43%;Cd is 0.09%;Fe is 0.003%;Cu is 0.004%;Si is 0.0965;and the rest is Zinc.There is CCS certificate.
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